In an age of bigger data with more LGBTQ individuals being recognised in data systems, who is included, who is left behind and who really counts? Writer and researcher Dr Kevin Guyan (he/him/his), author of the book Queer Data: Using Gender, Sex and Sexuality Data for Action, aimed to answer these questions in his talk ‘Queer Data: Who Counts?’. The event was hosted by the University of Strathclyde on the 18 June 2024, jointly organised by the RSS Celebrating Diversity Special Interest Group and the RSS Glasgow Local Group (chaired by Altea Lorenzo and Eilidh Jack respectively).
Guyan, a Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Edinburgh Business School and an expert in the intersection of data and identity, first questioned who benefits and loses when we collect and analyse data on gender, sex and sexuality. Are current pitfalls down to a lack of data on queer people? Guyan argues no. Using the example of the 2022 Scottish census, with questions added on ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘trans history’, Guyan highlighted that whilst some felt affirmed by inclusion, others were still designed out; those whose identities were not covered by the census (e.g. through a binary response required for ‘sex’) and those who were not comfortable being visible (including closeted people) were left behind. Collection of more data also poses new risks to the LGBTQ community, with such data available to be weaponised by those who oppose LGBTQ equality.
How can this be addressed in an ever more complex data landscape? Guyan breaks it down into 2 strands: data about LGBTQ communities and questioning/queering methods used to collect, analyse and present all data. The concept that ‘data practices produce identities’ was also introduced as the real problem faced by the LGBTQ community and researchers, with Guyan highlighting how this shapes how we all make sense of our identity – ‘the enumerative process … has the capacity to create what it purports only to name’.
Guyan finished off with 3 questions for researchers:
1. Do we really need more data? Will this address structural issues in research and other industries?
2. Do you need to be ‘out’ to be counted? Should we expect individuals to be ‘out’ to count? Is it clear enough that our data only provides a partial view of the world around us?
3. Is it always good to be included? Is just being included enough? Could this only work to excuse underlying systemic factors that remain unchecked?
Whether the best option is to repair current practises or replace them from the ground up is not clear, but bigger questions about how we produce knowledge are required to change the world for the better.
The talk was rounded out by Liam Brierly, a committee member of the RSS Celebrating Diversity SIG, with a question and discussion session before an in-person networking session.
Guyan’s second book, Rainbow Trap: Queer Lives, Classifications and the Dangers of Inclusion, will be published later in 2025.
Write-up by Angus Jennings, a Research Fellow in Medical Statistics working at the MRC CTU at UCL.