Event report - Mastering Master protocols: Proposals and open questions

The RSS North Eastern local group held a local group meeting where Prof Thomas Jaki gave a talk titled "Mastering Master protocols: Proposals and open questions" on Tuesday 22 November, 2022 at 3pm (BST) in Newcastle University.
Thomas is a Professor of Statistics at University of Cambridge and University of Regensburg, whose work has focused on developing and evaluating novel statistical methods for clinical studies.

In his talk, Thomas described different types of trials covered by master protocols, and outlined different approaches for multiple testing adjustment.  

Thomas has presented a novel approach for multiplicity adjustment that has been developed for a trial aimed to identify treatments that may be beneficial for adults hospitalised with confirmed COVID-19 (the RECOVERY trial, www.recoverytrial.net). This method addressed the difficulty of unknown timing of a discontinuation of a treatment arm.
The meeting took place in one of the teaching facilities in Newcastle University, with 25 attendees. The meeting provoked a discussion on different methods for multiplicity adjustment.
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