Adult Social Care Statistics Webinar- report

On 18 May 2022, the RSS Official Statistics Section and Health Statistics User Group (HSUG) organised the tenth in a series of webinars on topics relating to collecting and reporting statistics for Covid-19 and now also Social Care Statistics . The focus of these webinars is on sharing experiences and discussing approaches to the methods being used in the UK to produce the statistics for each of these topics. This webinar focussed on Social Care statistics, including work carried out in response to the recent reviews of Adult Social Care information. Speakers provided different perspectives from across the UK and answered questions posed by those attending.

Alison Macfarlane, chair of the RSS Official Statistics Section, welcomed everyone and thanked the speakers and organisers before handing over to Deana Leadbeter, chair of HSUG, who outlined the plan for the webinar. Deana also defined the aim of these webinars is to learn and work together for collaborative improvement.
  • Sophie John: Office for National Statistics (ONS)
  • Sophie Bridonneau, Sara Haylock and Isobel Flannelly: The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
  • Sara Zella and Richard McFerran: ONS -Public Sector Productivity Team
  • Ojoyi Frederrick-Pessau: NHS Digital
  • David Cruickshank and Lewis Jack: Scotland Government
  • Aideen Maguire: Queens University Belfast
Rationale for this webinar
The aim for the webinar was to provide an opportunity for people involved in producing Social Care statistics to share their experiences, explain current developments and exchange ideas, and for people using the statistics to pose questions and make comments.
The intended audience was people whose work involves producing and/or using data/statistics/information in Adult Social Care. The webinars are not usually intended for the general public.  However, many of the people in the audience will be involved in making information available to the public and so the webinars will indirectly help in this respect.
As this is an area that is developing rapidly, the information presented here is likely to change over time and may not present the latest position

Further information Author: Hira Naveed (vice chair, Official Statistics Section)
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