Annual General Meeting for Environmental Statistics Section

The annual general meeting (AGM) of the RSS Environmental Statistics Section will take place on Thursday 15 December at 15:00 via Microsoft Teams.
The following are recommended by the Section committee as members of the committee for the 2023 session:
Chair: Ben Swallow
Vice chair: Claudia Neves
Secretary: Theresa Smith
Meetings secretary: Daniela Castro-Camilo
Committee members
Nicole Augustin
Jennifer Israelsson
Christian Rohrbeck
Adam Sykulski
David Walshaw
Benjamin Marchant *
Shuvo Bakar *
Claire Millar *
David Stephenson * (co-opted)
Uma Kambhampati (Council representative)
* indicates new member
Unless alternative nominations are received by Amirah Chaudry before 15 December 2022, these persons will be declared elected at the annual general meeting.
Members wishing to attend the AGM should contact the secretary (Phil Sansom: for details of the online meeting.
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