2022 Annual General Meeting of the South Wales local group

The annual general meeting (AGM) of the South Wales Local Group will be held online on Wednesday 14 December 2022 at 14:30 GMT. It will be held after a webinar on the Social Model of Disability.  If you would like to attend the AGM, please register for this event to receive joining instructions (you can join for the AGM only).
In accordance with the regulations of Local Groups, the following candidates are nominated by the local group committee as members for the 2023 session:
Chair: James Tucker
Secretary: Dorothee Schneider
Treasurer: Sam Sullivan
Ordinary committee members:
Stephanie Howarth
Jiao Song
There are seven non-administrative vacancies on the committee.
As a committee member, you will get to contribute new ideas for local activities and help plan and deliver a programme of events. You will be joining an engaged and enthusiastic group from a diverse range of professions.

We usually organise three to four (online) events a year to engage the statistical community in Wales and all those with an interest in statistical methods and their applications.
Our events are aimed at the statistical community in the whole of Wales, not just South Wales (a change of the group name is pending). We are particularly looking for people working in the private sector to incorporate a broader range of perspectives – the current committee mainly consists of people from public sector organisations and academia. Anyone who is interested in getting involved can apply by email, describing briefly their background and why they are interested in joining, to southwaleslg@rss.org.uk by 11 December 2022. Please, note that you must be a fellow of the RSS to serve on the committee. 

Unless alternative nominations are received by 11 December, these persons will be declared elected at the annual general meeting.
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