2022 Annual General Meeting for Merseyside Local Group

The annual general meeting of the Royal Statistical Society’s Merseyside Local Group will take place on Wednesday 7 December at 4pm at the University of Liverpool, Rendall Building, Seminar Room 11 (building 432 in square D2: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/files/docs/maps/liverpool-university-campus-map.pdf), following our event on Statistics in Cybersecurity.

In accordance with the regulations of Local Groups, the following candidates are nominated by the local group committee as members for the 2023 session:

Chair: Liam Brierley
Secretary: Anna Auer-Fowler
Treasurer: Jac Thomas

Committee members:
Philippe Chassy
Gareth Liu-Evans
Yao Rao (co-opted member)
Alice-Maria Toader (co-opted member)
Robert Treharne
Victoria Watson

There remain up to three vacancies on the committee for 2023 which anyone who is interested in getting involved in the local group can apply for. To express interest or discuss joining the committee, please contact us at merseysidelg@rss.org.uk by 23 November. Applications to the committee require a short paragraph (no more than 200 words) briefly summarising your background and why you would like to join the committee.

Please note that you must hold an active membership as fellow of the RSS to be elected to the committee as an ordinary member. Non-members can obtain this ahead of the AGM or join the committee as a co-opted member.

Unless alternative nominations are received before 23 November, these persons will be declared elected at the annual general meeting.
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