2021 annual general meeting of the East Midlands local group

The annual general meeting of the East Midlands local group will take place at 2pm on 7 December 2021 after an online event on current & future statistical issues & challenges in Health Technology Assessment. If you would like to attend the AGM, please register for the event (the same joining link will be used for the event and AGM).

In accordance with the regulations of Local Groups, the following candidates are nominated by the local group committee as members for the 2022 session:
Chair: Lucy Teece
Secretary: vacant
Treasurer: David Sirl
Christopher Brignell
Sylwia Bujkiewicz
Kathryn Leeming
Hideyasu Shimadzu
Diwei Zhou
Christopher Fallaize (co-opted)
Michael Mulheran (co-opted)
Nick Taub (co-opted)
Any vacant officer role will be filled at the AGM.
Unless alternative nominations are received before 23 November, these persons will be declared elected at the annual general meeting.

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