Volunteer statistics tutor sought for AIMS Cameroon

The RSS is looking for an enthusiastic individual for a volunteer statistics tutor role at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) centre in Limbe, Cameroon for 4-7 weeks starting in mid-March. Depending on personal availability, the tutor could also extend their stay until graduation week starting on 19 June 2020.

There is a lively group of resident tutors at AIMS, but no specialist statistics tutor. The statistics tutor will provide additional support to about 15 students working on their essay projects. Students have six weeks part-time and then six weeks full-time for their essays. Support is likely to include use of R, discussing approaches to problems, and helping with written English. The tutor is expected to liaise with the other tutors at AIMS and the offsite supervisors of each student. Essential traits of the candidate are flexibility and a sense of humour.

Being a statistics tutor at AIMS is unique and enriching experience. You can read about the experience of Jean Rizk, our RSS tutor for 2019.

The call is open to RSS fellows holding or approaching completion of a PhD in statistics. The opportunity might fit in after submitting a thesis, or appeal to a retired colleague.

Travel, visa and vaccination expenses will be covered by the RSS while AIMS Cameroon will provide accommodation and meals.

To submit an application, candidates should email their CV and a statement letter of no more than 500 words to e.giorgi@lancaster.ac.uk. In the letter, the applicant should state the period of their availability and provide evidence of what makes them an ideal candidate by drawing from their experience and qualifications.

The deadline for submission of applications is Monday 10 February 2020.

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