RSS vacancy: Honorary officer for discussion meetings

The Society is seeking a new honorary officer for the Society's discussion meetings, who will chair the Discussion Meetings Committee (DMC). The DMC has overall responsibility for all aspects of the Society's programme of discussion meetings (formerly known as ordinary meetings) including: identifying topics and authors; reviewing submissions; and arranging meetings.

The honorary officer will attend meetings of Council, which are held three times a year. They will also attend DMC meetings, which are normally held twice a year. In addition, the honorary officer will conduct business continuously by electronic correspondence, and it is important that the postholder is able to respond to emails in a timely manner. The honorary officer will be responsible for provision of an annual report to Council, and would normally serve a four-year term.

Further details can be found in the Hetan Shah by 31 March 2019. The new honorary officer will begin work in January 2020. 


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