RSS launches 3rd Mardia Prize: Interdisciplinary workshop grant

The Royal Statistical Society has launched the third round of the Mardia Prize, founded by RSS fellow Kanti Mardia. The Prize aims to encourage cutting-edge interdisciplinary work by bringing together statisticians with other scientific communities through events or workshops in emerging interdisciplinary areas. If you are working in an area which would benefit from cross-community engagement, then this opportunity is for you! 

The Society welcomes proposals for workshops to be run over a two-year period starting during 2020. Funding of £3,000–£4,000 per year will be made available to support these workshops. The events/workshops should be designed to bring statisticians together with other scientific communities and to maintain a sustained focus. We envision that the funding would be used to support one workshop per year, but more extensive workshop plans that use other funding as leverage will also be considered. 

Applications are especially welcomed from researchers in the early stages of their career, although applications or involvement from those with more experience and wider contacts would also be welcome.

Applicants should consider carefully how to foster genuine interaction between communities, for example, by scheduling interactive sessions within the workshops or by setting up online networks to encourage ongoing dialogue. There should be some record of the proceedings of the programmes, which could be short online papers rather than just presenters’ slides; at the end of the work the organisers should provide a brief report to the Society demonstrating the outcomes of the initiative. 

To apply, please send a single PDF file of (at most) four A4 pages (minimum 10pt font size), to Maria De Iorio containing:

  • A workshop series description and time plan, including motivation for why and how it would benefit the communities involved, previous engagement with the non-statistical community, and a plan for dissemination of the workshop outcomes to the wider community.
  • A brief workshop budget, including anticipated leverage funding, if any.
  • A (at most two-page CV) for the main applicant, and optionally a description of an applying team or group.

The application deadline is 1 May 2019.

Applications will be considered by the working group set up by Council, chaired by Maria De Iorio.

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