RSS Council meeting: June 2019

Council, the trustees of the Royal Statistical Society, met on 26 June for the second time in 2019.

The annual accounts for 2018 were approved as well as a proposal for an inflationary increase in membership fees. Council also resolved to recommend that the Society reappoint Sayer Vincent as the RSS’s auditors, and find a new audit partner within the firm. All of these matters will go to the Society’s AGM in September.

Council congratulated the relevant staff and fellows on the Society winning the Memcom ‘Best campaign on a shoestring’ award for the second year running, this time for its Statistics of the Year work.

In relation to education policy, Council approved the re-structuring and reformation of the Society’s Education and Statistical supporting committees. 

New Terms of Reference were also agreed for the National Statistics Advisory Group.

A number of governance appointments were made that will take effect in the coming months: Shirley Coleman as Honorary Officer for Discussion Meetings; Aurore Delaigle as Joint Editor of Series B for three years from January 2020; Steffen Lauritzen as Joint Editor of Series B for three years from January 2021; and finally Cristiano Villa and Alastair Holmes as new members of the Audit and Risk Committee.

Council will meet again in November. 

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