Don't forget to nominate for our 2020 Honours before 1 October!

The Society encourages individual fellows and members of RSS committees to make nominations for the Society awards being made in 2020.

As always, the RSS honours committee would like to receive as broad a range of nominations as possible. Before making a nomination, please read the full guidance notes available at Members of the honours committee are available to guide anyone who would like to make a nomination through the process and feedback on the completeness of a nomination. If you would like to take up this offer please email

We're looking for nominations for the following awards:

The Guy Medal in Gold, awarded to a fellow of the Society judged to have merited a signal mark of distinction by reason of innovative contributions to the theory or application of statistics.

The Guy Medal in Silver, awarded to a fellow of the Society in respect of a paper or papers of special merit communicated to the Society at its discussion meetings (formerly known as ordinary meetings). Other contributions to statistics may also be taken into account.

The Guy Medal in Bronze, awarded to a fellow of the Society in respect of excellent work presented to any conference or meeting run by the Society, or published in any of the Society’s journals. Eligible candidates must be within fifteen years of the award of their first degree. Other contributions to statistics may be taken into account.

NB: The Guy Medals were established in memory of the distinguished physician and statistician William Augustus Guy FRS (1810-85), 'to encourage the cultivation of statistics in their scientific aspects and promote the application of numbers to the solution of important problems in all the relations of life in which the numerical method can be employed, with a view to determining the laws which regulate them'.

The Wood Medal, established in memory of the statistician Frances Wood OBE (1883–1919), is awarded in respect of excellent contributions to economic or social statistics. Eligible candidates are usually within fifteen years of the award of their first degree (with certain exceptions).

The Chambers Medal, named after Sir Paul Chambers, a former president of the Society and chairman of ICI, is awarded to an RSS fellow for outstanding services to the Society.

The Royal Statistical Society Research Prize is awarded to a fellow near the beginning of their research career for an outstanding published contribution to statistical theory or application. The winner is awarded £2,000.

Honorary Fellowships are awarded to individuals of great eminence working in fields related to statistics who are not necessarily or primarily members of the statistical profession.

The Barnett Award, a named lecture established in memory of Vic Barnett, aiming to encourage and promote the recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of environmental statistics (covering methodological development, the application of statistical methods to environmental sciences or exposition). Submissions for the award will be supported by published papers and/or scientific reports for which publication in whole or in part is not restricted.

Nomination forms and the guidance notes are available at

The deadline for the submission of honours is 1 October 2019.

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