Royal Institution (Ri) Masterclass speaker training days

The Ri Masterclass Speaker Development Programme and training events provides support to those who wish to create a Royal Institution (Ri) Masterclass on topics in mathematics, engineering or computer science for young people.

The Ri Masterclass programme work with local STEM professionals, educators and academics to support them to develop and deliver interactive and theoretically deep workshops based around their own favourite topics. The Ri workshop leaders (known as speakers) share their enthusiasm and experience, helping to nurture curiosity and a sense of inquiry among the Masterclass students. Across the UK, the Ri has programmes at both primary and secondary level.

All over the UK, keen young people attend a series of usually six workshops to explore areas of these subjects outside their school experience. Students from a range of schools in each series’ catchment area are put forward by their teachers, who are asked to choose those they feel would benefit most from attending.

The programme aims to allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the wonders and applications of these far-reaching subjects and to continue their interest and engagement into later life.

More information on the masterclasses is available at

Next Ri Masterclass Speaker Training Day - North Shields (near Newcastle)

Saturday 23rd February 2019, 10am-4.30pm, Central Exchange 360, North Shields NE30 1SE

More information and book:



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