Paris 21 seeks volunteer to review gender statistics gaps framework

Paris 21 is an international body established by the UN, EC, OECD, International Monetary Fund and World Bank to promote better use and production of statistics throughout the developing world. 

As part of a collaboration with the UN Women's global initiative "Making Every Woman and Girl Count", Paris 21 provides support to developing countries in strengthening their statistical systems to enable the production of gender statistics and improve the policy environment for gender statistics. This programme aims to promote better gender data availability and use that are aligned with national priorities and the Agenda 2030.

Paris 21 is now working to mainstream gender perspective in selected countries in relation to National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS). They are looking for a statistician to review a draft framework for the assessment of gender statistics gaps. The review can take place either remotely or via country missions (Africa or Central Asia). In the case of missions, the volunteer will participate in consultations with the national statistical office during the application of the gender statistics gaps assessment in the NSDS. The volunteer will be expected to share their gender expertise in developing gender statistics with the country and to review the draft framework for the assessment of gender statistics gaps using the experience gained throughout the mission. Paris 21 will cover the volunteer's expenses for the mission.

The estimated time commitment is 1 week for remote working or 2 months if travel is required.

How to apply

If you are interested in this volunteering role, please send your CV and a brief statement (no more than 400 words), stating why you would be suitable for the role. To submit your application or for more information, please email Amaka Nwagbara at


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