Important information for RSS professional members and CSci holders

CSci holders

Following a recommendation from the Professional Affairs Committee (PAC), RSS Council has decided not to renew our license to issue the title of Chartered Scientist (CSci) in 2019 and will no longer be accepting new applications for the CSci title.

The PAC and Council took this decision because they want the RSS to concentrate on our own professional qualifications Graduate Statistician (GradStat) and Chartered Statistician (CStat), noting that CSci is the only member category of the RSS where numbers have been in decline. 

Current RSS members who hold the CSci title will be entitled to use it until the end of 2019. At renewal time, membership subscription for 2020 will be for the Chartered Statistician (CStat) fee only. Current CSci holders will able to ‘transfer’ this title to another CSci licensed body, but will be required to apply directly with them and meet their minimum requirements before applying. Licensed bodies are listed here.

Both the PAC and the RSS membership team have been working on new and updated ways of reinvesting the funds and resources previously committed to the Science Council and thus improving the benefits for our professional members. These benefits will focus on the professional development of our membership and allow us to grow a wider network of professional statisticians.

Changes made so far include:

The Professional Statisticians Network

The benefit previously known as the Professional Statisticians Forum (PSF) is being rebranded and will become the Professional Statisticians Network (PSN). The change from Forum to Network will better reflect the nature of the benefit in that it will support the professional development of our members rather than focussing on statistical practice. Whilst we will continue to hold webinars, there will be more face-to-face events in London and at local groups around the UK aimed at both new member and professional members. There will be a new web page with online resources and webinars about revalidation and CPD, but also videos of past events available only for CStat and GradStat holders. Upcoming events include a welcome day ending with a debate: 'Data science vs statistics: Is it just the emperor’s new clothes?' so watch out for the invitation.

Professional logos and badges

We are pleased to introduce e-badges and logos for holders of CStat and GradStat awards. To obtain and use these designatory logos, please submit a request via email to Please note that in accordance with our bye-laws and Code of Conduct, you must be an active holder of these titles in order to use these designations. The logos are only to be used on emails, letterheads, websites and business cards when describing yourself as an individual, not a company. 


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