Honorary Treasurer vacancy

The Society is seeking a new Honorary Treasurer as the current post-holder will complete his term at the close of 2019. A successor is now sought to take over in 2020, with some overlap towards the end of 2019, to allow time to shadow the role.

The Honorary Treasurer advises the Royal Statistical Society's Council on the Society’s financial strategy; generally oversees the integrity of the Society’s financial procedures; and keeps Council informed about its financial duties and responsibilities.

The Honorary Treasurer would normally serve a four-year term. The time commitment involved typically averages out at around ten hours a month, roughly 50 per cent in meetings. The Honorary Treasurer attends Council and Executive Committee, both of which meet three times a year. They sit on the Audit and Risk Committee, which meets twice a year and the Staffing and Remuneration Committee, which meets about twice a year. Outside of these meetings, there can be flexibility as to when much of the work is carried out, in close co-ordination with the finance and operations director. 

Further details can be found in the Hetan Shah by 31 March 2019.

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