ESRC recruiting grant panel members

The Economic and Social Research Council is seeking new members for its Grant Assessment Panels (GAPs).

GAPs help to inform the funding recommendations for ESRC research grants which are made by its Grants Delivery Group (GDG).

The role of panel members is to assess and score the proposals allocated to them in light of the reviewers’ comments and principal investigator (PI) response to reviewers' comments, bringing their own expertise to the assessment, rather than simply summarising the peer review.

The GAPs are multi-disciplinary bodies comprising 55 to 65 members in total. There are three GAPs organised around clusters of disciplines, and a fourth for the Secondary Data Analysis Initiative (SDAI). The panels meet three times a year in March, July and November. Appointments to the panels are normally for two years in the first instance, with the probability of renewal for a further two-year term.

ESRC is currently recruiting for four panels; the deadline for applications is 17:00 on 10 May.

Further information is available on the ESRC website.


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