Call for papers: Masterclass and conference on measuring prices and quantities

This masterclass and conference is a joint initiative of the Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (CeMMAP) and the Economic Statistics Working Group (ESWG). It will take place in London on 17-18 March 2020.

The masterclass, which takes place on 17 March, will be taken by Professor Erwin Diewert. Registration will open on 1 December 2019. This will be followed by the conference on 18 March. Submissions are requested on issues associated with problems of measuring prices and quantities and the organisers welcome papers on any relevant topic including:

  • Use of hedonic methods
  • Utility-based indicators
  • Measuring the contribution of goods and services free at the point of use

Only complete papers will be considered although early versions are welcome. Authors will have fifty minutes for their presentations and may be asked to discuss another paper presented.  The total number of papers presented is not expected to exceed six. There is no conference fee but participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs.

The submission deadline is 1 December 2019 and notifications are expected by 20 December. 

Read more about making submissions on the CeMMAP website.


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