Call for contributions to teaching and learning journal special issue

A special issue of The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice  is planned along the theme of 'Innovations and challenges in the teaching of statistics to non‐specialists'. It will be guest edited by RSS fellow Margaret MacDougall, a medical statistician and researcher in education at the University of Edinburgh.

Contributions are invited on an international scale from teachers in higher education who have a career focus in inspiring students to learn statistics as non‐specialists in this subject. The special issue will be open to contributions within a wide range of disciplinary settings where statistics is taught to non-specialists, including, but not limited to, Medicine and allied health sciences, and the social and physical sciences.

The deadline for submission of formal proposals is 6 December 2019. This should include a title and an abstract. The word limit for the abstract is 500 words. The special issue will be published in December 2020. More information is available at


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