Adams Prize 2019: Call for applications

The University of Cambridge is inviting applications for one of its oldest and most prestigious prizes, which this year will be awarded for achievements in the field of the Mathematics of Networks.

The Adams Prize, named after the mathematician John Couch Adams, commemorates Adams's role in the discovery of the planet Neptune through the calculation of the discrepancies in the orbit of Uranus. 

The prize is open to any person who, on 31 October 2018, holds an appointment in the UK, either in a university or in some other institution and who is under 40 (adjudicators may relax the age limit in exceptional circumstances).

The prize is worth approximately £15k, of which one third is awarded to the prize-winner on announcement of the prize, a third is provided to the prize winners's institution (for research expenses of the prize winner) and one third is awarded to the prize winner on acceptance for publication in an internationally recognised journal of a substantial (normally at least 25 printed pages) original article, of which the prize winner is an author, surveying a significant part of the winner's field.

Further information is available online at

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