Consultant Profile

Prof. Dr. Brijesh Sathian

Region of consultancy:


Deputy Chair for Research, Geriatrics and long term care Department, WHO Collaborating center for healthy ageing and dementia, Rumailah Hospital, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar. Former Assistant Professor, Community Medicine Department, Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Nepal Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, Bournemouth University, UK, Chartered Statistician [United Kingdom], Managing/ Chief Editor: Nepal Journal of Epidemiology, APJEESD Sub Editor Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention Editorial Board Member: AJPHR, IJBS,IJPP, IJBR, NS, WC and Medical Science International Advisory Board Member: AJSR, GMJ, AIIJMS, and Indian Journal of Community Health Governing Board Member: President CEA, INEA, ATRFCE


I have more than 15 years experience in health care statistics. I have keen interest in design and interpretation of adaptive designs and complex innovative trial designs of FDA.


Bio-statistics, Epidemiology, Clinical trials, Statistical Modelling