Announcing our honours recipients for 2023

Every year we celebrate outstanding contributions to the development of statistics through our honours. We are thrilled to announce the recipients of this year’s medals and prizes, who will be presented with their awards at a ceremony during our annual conference in Harrogate this September. 

The 2023 winners are:
  • Guy Medal in Silver – Mark Girolami 
  • Guy Medal in Bronze – Tengyao Wang 
  • The David Cox Research Prize – Oliver Stoner 
  • The Barnett Award – Marc Genton
  • Honorary Fellowship – Walter Radermacher 
Dr Andrew Garrett, RSS President and Chair of the Honours Committee, said:  ‘On behalf of the Royal Statistical Society, I offer my congratulations to this year’s recipients. Their work has not only strengthened the discipline but led to greater understanding of many important issues.’

Guy Medal in Silver – Mark Girolami  
The Guy Medal in Silver is awarded to Mark Girolami for his contributions to computational statistics and machine learning - in particular, his work on differential geometric approaches to stochastic simulation for statistical inference, published in the paper “Riemann manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods” (with co-author Calderhead), which was read to the Society in 2011.

Guy Medal in Bronze – Tengyao Wang
The Guy Medal in Bronze is awarded to Tengyao Wang for his contributions to high-dimensional statistics, including changepoint estimation, dimension reduction and missing data.

The David Cox Research Prize – Oliver Stoner  
The David Cox Research Prize is awarded to Oliver Stoner for his work on modelling of flawed data, including methods for dealing with under-reporting and delayed reporting issues.

The Barnett Award – Marc Genton  
The Barnet Award is presented to Marc Genton for his international impact in the area of environmental statistics. He is particularly recognised for his work in spatial and spatio-temporal statistics with applications in environmental problems, with almost 300 publications garnering over 14,600 citations.

Honorary Fellowship – Walter Radermacher  
Walter Radermacher is elected as an Honorary Fellow in recognition of his dedicated and significant contributions to statistics, and particularly official statistics, internationally. Notably as president of the German Federal Statistics office (DESTATIS), director general and chief statistician at Eurostat, and chair of the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA).

The citations in full for each of this year’s recipients can be seen on our dedicated honours page.

The Guy medals are named after the British medical statistician, William Augustus Guy. The Bronze and Silver medals are awarded annually, with a Gold medal awarded every two years. The Research Prize is awarded to those near the beginning of their research career for an outstanding published contribution to statistical theory or application. In 2021 the Prize was renamed in honour of former RSS president Professor Sir David Cox. The Barnett Award is awarded for contributions to environmental statistics, established in memory of Vic Barnett. The Honorary Fellowship is awarded to significant individuals working in fields related to statistics who are not necessarily or primarily members of the statistical profession.
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