Statistical Engineering

The Statistical Engineering special interest group was established in 2022 to provide a forum within the RSS for those working in (and with an interest in) engineering. The special interest group (SIG) aims to foster professional collaboration between the statistical profession and the engineering profession, out of which it is hoped educational developments will be developed.
A mission of the SIG is to position statistical science as just as crucial to the engineering profession as it has been and is to medicine and agriculture (two other areas of human endeavour that disrupt the natural order of things for the benefit of humankind, and where statistical science has played a crucial role in the development of these fields).

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The SIG will aim to achieve its remit through the following activities:
  • Organising SIG events on relevant engineering challenges that will benefit from statistical contributions
  • Initiate a survey of statistics content of engineering degrees including apprenticeship standards (to cover non-university pathways)
  • Workshops on relevant topics developed in collaboration with professional engineers
  • Outreach collaborations with the professional engineering institutions in the UK and abroad
  • Collaborating on professional ethics (via the Data Ethics and Governance Section)

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If you want to learn more about our activities, please contact us: