Chartered Statistician

Chartered Statistician (CStat) is our highest professional award. It provides formal recognition of a member’s statistical qualifications and professional training and experience. CStat is a respected designation and has many benefits for professionally active statisticians.

CStat membership benefits
In addition to the benefits enjoyed by fellows, CStats also receive:

How to become a CStat
You must be a member of the RSS.

Join now

There are two routes to CStat status; the standard route and the competence-based route.

Before starting your application, please ensure that you have read our Code of conduct.

The standard route

  • You are currently a holder of GradStat with at least five years’ work experience within a statistical role
  • You have graduated with an RSS accredited degree, meeting all conditions, (see list of accredited degrees) and have at least five years’ work experience within a statistical role
  • You have qualified with a non-accredited degree, but you can evidence you meet the RSS GradStat standards. Plus, you have at least five years’ work experience within a statistical role.
Read our standard route guidance notes (PDF).

The competency-based route
You are a current member of the society holding Fellowship status, with or without Data Analyst, have graduated with a non-accredited level 6 or 7 degree (or equivalent) with sufficient statistical knowledge and have at least five years’ work experience within a statistical role. You will be asked a series of competency-based questions as part of your application.

Read our competency-based route guidance notes (PDF).

The RSS recognises the American Statistical Association’s Professional Statistician (PStat) award as equivalent to the Society’s own CStat award. If you hold PStat and would like to apply for CStat status, please contact us at to find out how.

Revalidation of the award
Holders of the CStat award who remain professionally active are required by our by-laws to comply with our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) policy and are subject to revalidation. The RSS selects a percentage of professionally active CStat holders each year to be revalidated and audited each year. Those selected will usually be contacted via email by the end of January each year. Our online CPD system provides suitable summary reports for revalidation.

Professional Statisticians’ Network (PSN)
PSN meetings enable professional statisticians to share their experiences and discuss professional development. The meetings are aimed at CStat and GradStat members, but all members are welcome to attend.

Webcasts, MP3s and slides from past events are available to download.

Professional indemnity insurance
Professional indemnity insurance (PII) has become increasingly important. Several major insurance companies offer it, and you may decide to contact these companies directly.

After discussions with us, Towergate Insurance has set up a scheme specifically for Chartered Statisticians (including holders of MIS and FIS) and Graduate Statisticians, giving extensive cover.

They are a brokerage that specialises in PII for professional associations and their members. If you contact Towergate, ask them about their Royal Statistical Society scheme.

Whether and where to obtain PII is entirely your choice, we cannot recommend or advise you.

Consultants Directory
We provide a directory of statistical consultants listing our professionally qualified members who offer a statistical consultancy service. The directory contains profiles created by the consultants, including information on their specialisms and background as well as their contact details.