RSS Data Science and AI Christmas Mixer

Date: Tuesday 05 December 2023, 6.00PM
Location: London
Artillery Arms, 102 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8ND
Section Group Meeting

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It's been a big old year in the world of data science and AI and you deserve a night out at the pub.

Please join us for the a social get together with like minded data scientists and AI engineers:

Last year was filled with glad tidings, merry cheer and a very full pub. We hope for the same this year.

A christmas cracker joke to start us off:
Q: Why did the data scientist build a machine to take all the raisins out of the Christmas pudding production line?
A: She thought performance would be improved by a re-currant mechanism  
There will be a prize for the worst christmas cracker joke with a data science /AI theme.
See you all on the 5th!
Will Browne for RSS Data Science & AI Section