RSS writes to new ministers about making the most of the UK’s data

Following Labour’s election victory last week, we’ve written to congratulate new ministers and outline the importance of statistics and data, sharing our thoughts on how they can best use data to inform their decision making.  

Focusing on what can be done early-on to improve data-usage and public trust, we recommend that the new government improve data sharing between departments and end the practice of pre-release access to government statistics. We also ask that they pledge to abide by the Code of Practice of Statistics, going beyond the Ministerial Code that only requires mindfulness of it.  

Keen to support the government in its usage of data and statistics, we have also offered to work closely with them on implementing the recommendations of the Lievesley review of the UK Statistics Authority, as well as offering to provide training and support on the interpretation and representation of statistics.  

Read an example of the letters we’ve sent.  

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