RSS publishes election guide for assessing statistical claims

We have produced a guide ‘Sound or Suspicious? Ten tips to be statistically savvy’, to help people think critically about the figures they come across on social media in the run-up to the UK general election and beyond.

Statistical claims are a key part of political discourse, especially in the lead up to elections, and are shared frequently via social media. While statistics are crucial for understanding the world around us, there is always the risk of misuse or misinterpretation.

This new guide covers ten key areas to help people determine the trustworthiness of the figures they encounter in the run up to July’s election. We address important aspects such as:
  • What questions to ask when encountering a new statistical claim
  • Topical examples illustrating common issues like 'cherry-picking' (selective reporting), oversimplification, and misleading charts
  • Tips on how to ‘sense check’ figures in a fast-paced social media environment
Read the guide.
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