Online courses for journalists

We can help you to improve your reporting on stories with science and statistics.

Our free online courses provide an introduction to the essentials of how science works, and give an overview the basic principles and methods of statistics.

We highlight questions to ask, pitfalls to look out for, and suggest how to communicate clearly to best serve your audience.

The courses each take around 20-30 minutes to complete. An optional audio commentary is provided.  

Web, mobile and tablet versions are available. To use on iPad, you may be asked to download a free Articulate app.

Take our Statistics for Journalists course

Take our Science for Journalists course 

Both courses are based on a syllabus and presentation developed through the RSS Science Journalism Programme which was funded by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, and led by the Royal Statistical Society. 

Watch videos of our Statistics for Journalists and Science for Journalists workshops, organised with the National Council for the Training of Journalists and which took place on 13 November 2014 at Bloomberg in London. These are best viewed in addition to our online courses, to explore some of the points in more depth.

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