Editor required for Series B

David Dunson will be finishing his four-year term of office as a Joint Editor for Series B of the journal at the end of 2019.

Suggestions or nominations are encouraged and welcomed from members of the Society. Although an editor’s work is mainly concerned with assessing manuscripts for publication in the journal with the assistance of their editorial panel, joint editors of the journal series are also involved in the ongoing formulation and review of policy with the publishers (Wiley) and the Publications Network of Advisors.

In addition, Series B editors are ex officio members of the Research Section Committee, which, among other matters, assesses the suitability of methodological papers for reading to the Society.

The editorships of the Society’s journals are important and prestigious positions but they can also be demanding and time consuming. The people who undertake them perform an invaluable service for the Society.

Series B has a long tradition of publishing work that is at the leading edge of methodological development, with a strong emphasis on relevance to statistical practice. The scope of the journal includes papers on study design, statistical models, methods of analysis and the theory that underlies them — almost invariably motivated or illustrated by real examples. Series B aims to disseminate work which is innovative, insightful and likely to have a substantial impact on the way that data are collected and analysed; within these parameters the journal’s remit is broad, embracing for example relevant work in applied probability, computational methods, data science and the foundations of statistics. 

Suggestions for a successor to David will be considered by a search committee comprising

  • Professor Simon Wood (chair and continuing Joint Editor)
  • Professor Arnaud Doucet (Research Section chair)
  • Dr Jenny Wadsworth (Lancaster University)
  • Professor Andy Wood (University of Nottingham)

They should be addressed to the chair of the search committee, care of the executive editor, Martin Owen, at the Society’s address, to arrive by 31 January 2019.

Any queries in connection with the editorship should be directed to Further details about the position are also available in this pdf document.


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