Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a combination of approaches, ideas and techniques for continued learning throughout your career. It aims to keep you up-to-date with advancements in your field so you can develop as a professional.
An active interest in CPD is common practice for all professionals. CPD is compulsory for professional members (holders of CStat status or equivalent MIS or FIS).
Keeping track of your CPD
We have a new online CPD recording system that is freely available to all members – just visit the MyRSS section and select CPD under the ‘other information’ section of MyRSS.
A Word document, 'CPD Activity Summary' can be downloaded and used to record your CPD. Please note you should complete this document when applying for and complying with revalidation of the CStat award.
NB: Please note that the website is no longer in use.
What counts as CPD?
Activities cover:
- Work based learning
- Professional activity
- Formal/educational
- Self-directed learning.
The RSS provides opportunities to support those activities, including:
Our CPD policy
We encourage all our members to read the details of our CPD policy and guidance notes that gives on how to prepare 12-month CPD summaries.